We generally meet at either the t bay cafe or The Beer Engine, in the Whitehouse Road shops, and live stream to Facebook. Check out our Facebook page for updates.
Our meetings may include an update from our Councillors, with an opportunity to ask them questions, and updates from some of the local groups who are doing great things in our community.
You are invited to our yearly event on the 13th of November 2024 at the Tireti Hall from 7pm to 8pm ish. The hall is on the corner of Tireti Rd and Te Pene Ave. [Facebook event notification]
This event will include:
- Our AGM (Annual General Meeting)
- Representatives from different groups around the area talking about their Groups/Projects.
- A group brainstorm of things we as a community want to share with the council about local issues.
- Representatives from different groups around the area talking about their Groups/Projects.
- A group brainstorm of things we as a community want to share with the council about local issues.
Once we have completed our AGM and have heard from our community groups and projects we will have pizza together.
Feel free to come a little early to check out the hall or stay a bit longer to finish up the pizza.